Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Biome Research

Please describe the biome you studied. Be sure to dicuss climate, location and biotic features.


Anonymous said...

my biome is grassland. htere are two types of grassland tropical and temperate. tropiical has a hot climate.temperate has hot summers and cold winters.grassland is in north and south america,afica,austrailia,and other places. a animal that lives in grasslands in africa is the rhino and a plant that is in the grasslands is bluegrass.

Anonymous said...

Artic Tundra:The Climite Is very cold.The Location is in the artic spot.There Are the Wolf fox hare wesele carabue.


Anonymous said...

The Deciduous Forest
The Deciduous forest it is located in the eastern half of the united states and in russiaand more states.
The Deciduous Forest has lots of manmmels reptiles and also a little bit of insect.i almost forgot they have a lot alot of plants in the deciduous forest but they do not have a lot of sunflowers.
The Deciduous forest climate is 76 degrease farenheight and 24 degreese cealses.The Deciduous forest is also above the tiga.The Deciduous forest do not get alot of rain it gets a little bit of rain. m.m

Anonymous said...

The climate of the taiga is 60- ferenheit .The taiga is a very moist place. The taiga is located in parts of Canada. Some of the biotic animals are rein deer the short tail beaver. There is the white fir that is a tree that can grow up to 60ft. and live for up to 300 years.

Anonymous said...

the desrt climate can ether have snow or-4 degress or to 136 degress.most deserts are located near the equater and around the world.the prickelpear catus has broad leaves to hold in water.both male and female greater roadrunner have a special bond so both of them build there nest toghter. k.a

Anonymous said...

an desert is a dry or cold place in the desert their are plants and very few animals.desert cover about five percent of the world.their is very little rainfall each year how the plants grow is by the energy and can live with very litle rainfall. the highest weather is about 101 degres at day and about 70 at night. most animals in the desert feed off of each other or eat the plants. Lb

Anonymous said...


The climate is normal June is 70 degress F.
The location is mostly aroud the world like austrilla,New Zealand,and Africa and south Africa.
plants and Amnials there is a red-tailed Hawk and red fox ,and plant the Indian grass and sedge grass


Anonymous said...

the decidous forest is warm but most of the time it is cold andf location is in the half eastern part of the united states and the female bald eagle is bigger than the male bald eagle and the plant is the is a lily it is sometimes purple or yellow and in the decidous means the plants die and grow back and the colors are red, orange, brown and yellow

Anonymous said...

My biome was the taiga.The taigas climate their in winter is -65 and the highest is 30.The taiga is located in north America.It is on the top of the world by aisa,and canada.The biotic featurs are ants,artic hares,artic wolfs,and jack pins.Thoes animals like cold weather and rain Js

Anonymous said...

my biome is rainforest and my location is southamerica and it is warm and the anilmals how live there is boaconstuters they eat mostly big things like a female deer and lots of more and colorful parots they can talk real loud like a dog they talk loud and the trees
they drink and get oxyen by drinking most of the water

Anonymous said...

climate disduous forest is worm and go`s up to about 75F to 38F, some of the location was canada russa and united stats,one of the plants was oak tree two of the animals was deers & red foxs rj

Anonymous said...

air was dry it hot cold .It was little of animla of plants .The place where it's is very deep

Anonymous said...

My project was on the tropical rain forest. It's climate is warm. it is warm because it is near the eqator. But some are not always on the equator some are around it. There is a rain forest called the Montain rain forest. It has the most unusual plants and animals in it. This rain forest is on the equator. It has a Bird Eating Turantula. It grows as big as a dinner plate. To catch it's prey it gets in a tall tree and waits for any kind of bird to come near it and it jumps high in the sky and catches it. And that is all about my biome essay.
M.R/ Logan Rhue

Anonymous said...

my biome was the tundra it is a cold place but in spring and summer its a good place to have a picnic. the animais are mamals like erminds are carnibols they are littil things that look like martens.the climent is about 20 degrees ferenhight in tundra.EA

Anonymous said...

My biome is the Rain forst. The rain forst it has 1,000 of live thing. I just learn over the brack that it do not rian every day in the rian forst but it rain about 268 ton a year. I learn this over my brack. By Juane' Summers

Anonymous said...

My biome was the desert. The deserts weather is meanly 25/45 degrease calecuse and the anemile that I read about was the burring owl and I can't remieber plant that I read about but I can remieber that purple and black and that it was a flower and the mean place that desert are in is middle east.From/letara