Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Water Cycle

What is the water cycle? Why is it important?


Anonymous said...

the water cycle is a land of water,sleet,snow,hail. the water cycle is import because of the water that go to oceans, homes and for us to drink and plants and animals.jb

Anonymous said...

the water cycle is important to us because it helps us survive.

Anonymous said...

first sun the heat the water and the water evaporartion to make a could then condistion happens then the could turn to gary then precpiction happens if it is a mountain then runoff stars


Anonymous said...

The water cycle is the way the water flows in an ecosystem. First the sun evaperates into the air,then when the water makes the clouds to heavy it soon starts to rain. That is what i think a water cycle is.


Anonymous said...

i think the water cycle is important becuase every animal and person needs water to survie.also the plants need it too survive to producess oxgen.

Anonymous said...

a water cycle is the way water is reformed first water is evporated the it goes into the clouds in till it gets heavy the it falls down as rain. it is important to us because we would always be drinking unfresh water.


Anonymous said...

The water cycle is important to the people of the earth because people need water to help our kedenes work.We need four or five glasses of water a day. By,Juane'Summers

Anonymous said...

the water cycle is improtant because if we did not have a water cycle we would'nt know what to do with it and we would'nt where the water was post to be and we would not have a water bottle because we would not know where was the clean water was at and we would had dirty water if we did not found the right one and that's why we need a water cycle and we do and scetist found away to make clean water out of the foutin with little thing called the um i forgot so i would tell you when i see the commercial again.

klinhart said...

A water cycle is a cycle of which earths's water is preciptated from evaporation.

Anonymous said...

The water cycle shows people how water is form. First it evaporates from a river or ocean then it makes the clouds get very fluffy and then they turn gray and that is when it rains when it rains water goes down a hill and into a river and that river goes to the ocean or a bigger river and the water cycle starts all over again. the water cycle is important because it gives us fresh water it also helps the plants to grow the animals drink and take baths with it. LR

Anonymous said...

A water cycle is the cycle of water and how it goes.You have evaparation condensation pracipatation and run off.Its all the water cycle. j.s