Thursday, November 20, 2008

What are the components of an ecosystem? Describe them.


Anonymous said...

producers are living thihgs that make there owne food. cunsumers are thing that just eat food. and decomposers are things eat dead stuff like a millapaed. EA

Anonymous said...

a population is where a lot of the same animals live to eat off each other and it is called a food chain. Different animals make a food web. An individual is just one animal. a community is where different animals live. TR

Anonymous said...

a produces make there own foods. consumers eat food to get energy.decomposers they break down dead things.JB

Anonymous said...

there are three parts terrararium aquariam and air. in the terrararium we have rye and musterd seeds and we have a crickets. in the aquriam we have fish alge duckweed and elodea.we also have snails and fish

Anonymous said...

there is a part called the terrreum and aqrium theres food for the animals.

Anonymous said...

The components of a ecosystem are producers make there own food, consumers eat for energy, and decomposers eat dead things. There are called omnovores, carnavores and urbavores.V.C.

Anonymous said...

decomposers,they break down dead thing consumers,eat to get energy producers,living things need energy and made there on food.

Anonymous said...

theres consumers,decompousers,and producers.that makes up a ecosystem

Anonymous said...

The componets are consumers, producers and decompocers. A cconsumer eats to get it's energy. A producer makes it's own food. A decomposer eats dead things.LR

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed looking at your students comments. I look forward to seeing what they think of ecosystems