Monday, October 3, 2011

October is National Bully Prevention Month

Have you ever been bullied?
What can you do to help prevent bullying?


Anonymous said...

No! I have never been bullied. I can prevent bullying by getting a teacher to break it up.

Anonymous said...

Yey i have been bullied before tell the teacher or the pricipal.

Anonymous said...

I have never been bullied before.I think that people who bully should stop because you can hurt peoples feelings and I think bulying is not really cool.That what I think about bulying so I say stop bullying and think about you because you never kno if you get in trouble and you would not like that and sometimes people who do that just think they feel cool and to me not even 1 persent that it is cool to bully.l.M.C

Anonymous said...

I have never been bullied before .we should have a consert about bulling people can get hurt .What i think about bulling is hurtful alot of people dont like it.[pleas talk with the whole class about bulling]. I think that people who bully need to stop becaues people can get hurt .Can you help use about bulling.bulling can happen every where.Only thing to do is stand up step up.Our all class need to be respectful. Encourage other strive to do your best to stop bulling think before you act.Like to not it someone.Can you talk to the people that bully other people. Its bad to bully people .Not bully can make a better place.It can be very hurtful for the person who is getting bully.It can caues a perant to fight.when you are bulling you can get yourself in trouble.Can you work this out please thank you. imp

Anonymous said...

I had been bullied before it is very horrible but I stll know its bad. Ive seen more bulling and if I see it Idont get involed in it I never got bullied again.kd

Anonymous said...

No I have never been bullied.
1.Ask that pearson whats wrong.
2. If that person does not tell you pay close attention and take notes.
3.Then you tell a teacher.
4.let the adult handle the rest.


Anonymous said...

I have been bullied before.What people shold do Is 2 grow up bullies.:)People that bully,bully you for thinking its cool and many other things.Example just 2 get what they want or....2 think its cool or 2 teas you.Sad for those who get bully.Like sending bad notes!!!Some times teachers are not their 2 see what is happening or adults.:( So kids anyone how can we help bullies stop bulling message 2 every one from anyone it can be.And bullies u hurt peoples feelings and cause trouble. so anyone or lord help bullies stop bulling!!!!...... ymg